Sunday, February 15, 2009


madonnaw002, originally uploaded by sulustumoses.

Madonna Wiltse has attended every women's retreat since the retreats began in 2001. She is the mother of five children and a grandmother of one. Recently we asked her to write about her experience of the retreats:

No matter what we believe or what differences we have, most humans desire more humanity.

The world tells us success comes from education, power, money, and possessions, but our conscience tells us that kindness and humanity are the real treasures we seek. We admire strength, but we are so much more touched and moved by compassion.

To feel comfortable and safe within my own soul causes me to look beyond me to see you, so we can change the world for us.

The women's retreats are about us. They're about connection with humanity and success in the truest form.

Monday, January 12, 2009


Kimber Mannlein, LSW is a licensed social worker who obtained her degree from Boise State University. She has attended Summit Quest retreats faithfully for the last 9 years and is a mom to three beautiful daughters. Recently, Kimber spoke to us about what she gains from attending retreats:

Sometimes in life I feel connected to who I really am.

Each person tries to find a purpose to life or some sort of deeper meaning. For me, I turned to a power greater than myself and asked for help. The answer came through a process of deep self-work that awakened me to see the world through a different lens and to become more aware of the world around me. It awakened me to living in the present moment and to remembering who I really am.

Part of my work from this higher state brought me to women's retreats. Sometimes I resist going because I know have to look at myself and accept everyone as a mirror of my true state. Itʼs hard to do, but when I accept this work of loving unconditionally and being loved, of letting go of masks, of being raw in the essence of who I am, I become clear. I go through pain, joy, laughter, darkness, and whatever issues are up in my life and I become closer to what I am searching for.

Without fail it happens. I cannot explain exactly what transforms, but at the retreat I feel powerful and clear.